We have a 45-day return policy, which means you have 45 days after receiving your items to request a return.
If you place an order and change your mind, please contact us within 48 hours.
Typically orders are packed and picked within 2 days and once they are shipped we cannot cancel an order.
Simply contact us via email, phone, or the Contact form at the bottom of this page and ask to cancel your order before it ships.
Once an order arrives you may return it within 45 days.
To do so please follow our return policy below.
How to request a return or a refund
To request a return and then refund please contact us at
You may also use the contact form at the bottom of this page or in the "Contact Us" Section
Method of Refund
All refunds typically process within 3-5 business days of receipt of returned merchandise back to the original payment method.
Damaged / Defective / Incorrect Goods
Damaged, defective or incorrect items can always happen and we are here to help you make it right.
Damages and issues
Please inspect your items upon receiving them and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right.
As with any return or exchange request simply contact us first.
You may also use the contact form at the bottom of this page or in the "About Us" section of the menu.
Replacement Cost
Damaged, incorrect or defective goods we will expedite a replacement and provide a return label for you at no cost.
You will not have to pay any additional shipping and handling for these types of returns or exchanges.
Buyers Remorse
If your return is buyer's remorse, meaning you simply change your mind, then we will ask all items be sent to our return center with tracking at customer's expense.
A return label will not be provided for these types of returns.
Products Returned Exceeding the Return Period
Products cannot be returned after the 45 day return period.